Helpful Resources and Health Networks

Dr. Mate’s seminal work on how the body somaticizes historical stress, trauma, and family of origin challenges is one of the building blocks of SPRe as a modality. More essential reading but frequent breaks in reading can be necessary due to the difficulty of seeing one’s history so plainly written!

Emotional neglect is generally lumped in with abuse in trauma terms and in how the therapeutic community looks at the effects of trauma on the body, which is definitely progress, but as someone who suffered from emotional neglect but not abuse, to have it singled out from abuse and described so accurately and compassionately, was so helpful. I could literally feel pathways in my brain re-routing and new ones forming as I was reading this book! It was life-changing both for myself, and for my practice.

Dr. Miller is the Gold standard of childhood trauma and its long-term effects. She was really one of the first to describe how children are deeply affected by the actions and abuse of parental figures, including how the body somaticizes everything.

Another excellent, easy-to-understand, well-written book on Shadow work and why its so important. It includes the different aspects of life and relationships where Shadow behavior might show up and how to do your own self-exploration on the subject.

Hollis has written one of the best books on Shadow work and how we have organized our emotional material to that we don't always have to look at our motives or actions. Essential reading on your journey of self-awareness and emotional accountability.
A link to a great blog post by Doug Shirley on a more helpful and realistic way of looking at self care.